Sunday, August 27, 2006

Lies Caendide

Some 250 years ago Voltaire took its naive character Candide for a journey through reality. Astonished by the strange manners he'd encounter all over the world, the young lad would question its tutor to try and understand cruelty. Pangloss would patiently explain the rationality and vertues of slavery, of inquisition, of murder. Indeed, concludes Candide, convinced by the teacher's rethoric, we're living in the meilleur des mondes possibles.

I haven't met wolves so far, just humans acting humanly. 22 years of peace and joy, Thank The Lord... Yet it's time to explore. As some have been calling me (too) ideological or even naïve, I want to take some time to discover the ground beneath other people's feet to judge by myself whether this is a great world indeed.

Friends and family don't you worry, I don't have the intention to live terrible experiences just to find out what it feels like! I will do my best to get off the NYC subway in time in order to avoid Bronx-at-night. I will try and find wireless hotspots in the Congolese countryside to keep in touch (if ever the Belgian state sends me there). To convince you, I'll leave a message on this blog every once in a while. Please feel free to interact : let's make one of the meilleur des mondes possibles out of this site!

1 comment:

Fleur de Lies said...

Tuurlijk heb ik door wie snorremans is. Die smiley is en blijft prachtig.

Ik had eerst Evakostuum geschreven, maar ik was bang dat mijn geacht lezerspubliek dan zou afhaken =)